Bad Memories v0.9

I know it took a while, but it's finally here!

BM 0.9 has a lot of new content. Scenes for every (female) character in the game, Story progression, lots of new render and animations, tons of fixes, and I've also changed some early scenes slightly:

If you don't like Rachel, or Katherine (or their routes in general), you'll have more options now. Both aren't completely fleshed out, yet, but there shouldn't be any problems with them either.

I've also managed to get most of my saves to load, except the really REALLY old ones, and some saves will start at the beginning of the corresponding scene, instead of exactly where the save happened, but I think that's better than nothing. Please also keep in mind that not all saves will work, but most should be fine.

Sadly, I haven't had as much feedback from the beta as I had hoped... nonetheless, a big thanks to the few people that reported bugs, or other problems.

I've also tested as much as I could by myself, but if you happen to still find a bug, some grammar/spelling errors, or whatever, please let me know.

Now I don't want to bore you with too many details, so have fun with the update, and I hope you enjoy ;)


Bad Memories 0.9.1 win-osx-linux AIO 3.7 GB
Version 0.9 45 days ago
Bad Memories 0.9.1 osx 3.6 GB
Version 0.9 45 days ago

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as itch user your updates always drop out of the blue, every time a nice surprise. I know what I will doing now :)


first off great game, love your work! Second will there be an android update?


Seconded on this question. Android update ??

so keen for the new update. Especially if there is a new scene for EVERYONE

Hey gotta say love the game i have it on steam did the beta for 9 just updated saves dont work and it ends at the kitchen scene do i need to restart again? i know there is more content but wont start

If you play the steam version, make sure to switch back to the non-beta. You can do that the same way you switched to the beta.

thanks i did that already updated and its like the 9.0 dosnt exist yet stops at the end of the last update thanks for the response

Hmm, weird, did you try a new save?


Hell yeah, hope you're settling in well.