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I wonder what the hardest part of making a game is

good question, it highly depends on several factors but I'd say to keep the story consistent and stay on track is the hardest for me personally, I tend to have a lot of ideas that won't necessarily fit the game and I also tend to change stuff a lot while in developement (stuff that sounds good on paper doesnt always work in game).

Can't wait until the next update! thist is for sure my favorite novel, and i want to support but i can,t do paypal and have no creditcard. is there some other way to suppport?

Not a 100% sure, but I think subscribestar has bank transfer an option. Other than that, you can always "spread the word" :D

Great update! I just would like to know if you plan more content about Rachel? Honestly I really want to "see" more about her. Anyway, very good update, well done! Also, Hanna is awesome as well, really like her!

Thanks! There will definitely be more content for Rachel in the future ;)

Is the game without any sound or music ?

Just want to know . I really love the story and visual of the game  but without any sound....

I've tried both on my android phone and windows 10 . 

Some sounds are there, I'll add more over time, it doesn't have a high priority for me.


Understood . Thank you 

Can't wait for the next update / 

What is the other Android download about?

The arm version is for newer devices with an arm64 processor, for people who have trouble with the "normal" Android version.

The new update is awesome. Looking forward to the next update already.

Side note though wondering about the method to get all images. I think I am missing about three of them.

thanks a lot :)

Some images depend on the MC's gender and some on the decisions you make along the way.

Some also might not trigger if you didn't start a new game because I had to change some variables.


Ah that might be it. Played male last night. Going to try female tonight.


Ahhh the update is here u are my hero

Hi i'm new here is there more sex scenes than 1 only?

Yes, look at the scenes gallery in the game, there you can see if you've missed something.


Oh wow, I actually managed to check up on the status of the next update of the game on the very day you posted it? Well, then I might just exist in a different universe! haha

Version 0.6 will not load on android

I've added another android version (ARM64) try that one.

0 for 2 that one didn't work either

Sorry, but it must be a problem on your side then, both versions work for me any many others.

Weird, I've never had any issues with any of the other updates

I've had Similar problems on other apps but for some odd reason the normal reboot didn't work. So I did some research on the internet and found several problems. I have currently not found a solution. My guess is that our devices our not compatible.

When the updates become available do we have to manually download them, or will the app update by itself?

manually sadly


That's not too bad. Do we just do that from the development log above?


I don't know if it will be under the filesize limit for's server (1gb), the beta was over 900mb already and I've added more render and animations since then.


I believe, from my own experience with many other AVNs here on Itch, that the limit is likely a flat Gig. All games I've seen that tip over it end up usually being hosted for download on Mega.NZ. But that's just my two cents and supposition via my experience as a player, not a dev. :)

Lmao, welp, I did say that's where they usually end up at hahahaha

i dont wanna pressure you but do you have a release date


Some time this week ;)


What?? No way!! That's awesome news! Looking forward to it.

(1 edit) (+1)

I just recently came across this game. Like maybe a week ago, have to say story wise and interactions so far it seems really worth the time. Clearly still a work in progress but one of the more polished ones I have experienced. Love the option to view the story from a male or female perspective.

Just to be clear though the 4 main girls are Rachel, Jada, Ellie and Katherine? The two side ones are Stephanie and Hanna?

Thanks a lot, yes you're correct with the main girls.


just out of curiosity, is more interactions with hanna coming in the next update?


It's planned for day 10 and initially I wanted to include day 10 in the next update, but I had to make some cuts, so sadly not this time :/

sad panda :(:(:(

I hope the new update comes out before Monday highschool is a bitch

Too bad, I'm still rendering some animations and I'll probably need the next week to finish them :/

Sit down chum. Let him finish it whenever he wants.

(1 edit) (+2)

The unfolding of this psychological drama has the mystery and intensity of a golden-age Hitchcockian film noire. You want to uncover more of the story. The sexual heat and emotional allure of the three younger girls in the household is intensified by the photo-realistic rendering and animation which breathes life into their youth and natural beauty. The artwork is perhaps the best that I have seen in an adult visual novel. Strongly recommended. I hope that the game develops to deliver the promise of this early offering.

Wow, thanks for this! I do my best to keep the quality as high as possible :)

(1 edit)

Ha dosen't finish install all good though some of these do that wise u luck


Other dev's watch out BM_Rec is AWESOME!!!! (been awhile since I commented...checking how things going been reading other comments...I agree on the take your time on updating (i got a life too) so me playing VN's cut short too LOL....


The one thing I can't understand is how you romance rachel. I mean yeah you gotta do the whole "taking advantage of her" thing. But the most I ever got out of her is touching her boobs. 


You can't fully romance her (yet).


please tell me you didnt abandon this project it has been MONTHS since an update and this is so wholesome


There should be an update soon, it would already be out but the dev got his GPU fried and it slowed things down. There was a conversation about it so i am just tl;dring it for You here. :)


It will be out soon, I'm working on the last bits.
One thing to remember is that I'm a single developer and I have a life, so I can't release updates that regular anyway.


How dare You have a life. I will report You to the nearest authority.

You mean Bill Gates?

When can we expect the next update?




Still by far my favorite game in this genre. I look forward to seeing it progress even further :) p.s. you're the only patreon I am subscribed to :)

I'm honored :)


Really enjoyed the game and I can’t wait until the next update! Also, do you know what the menu song is? I sat listening to it for 5 minutes before playing the game,lol.


Thanks, it's a song made by me^^


Thx for this fantastic game! Look forward to the future update.

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks for the offer, but that won't work. I have real shitty internet and do a lot of custom stuff that I'd have to upload every time.


Still my favorite game on here. I am looking forward to more content. Thank you :)


BM_Rec in my opinion in updates could you probably try and make them longer becuase i dont know if its just me but its super short


It's several hours already if you play all content, I'm just a single developer and I do my best, but I'm not a magician.


brother can we expect the update soon?

Soonish yes.


Do not rush it, take Your time. I can not wait myself but good things take time. >.<


The same way I feel with this and many, many other great VN here in itch. I can never wait for the next updates, but rushing is the enemy of creativity and quality. So taking time rather than buckling to our impatience is the intelligent, best decision a dev can make haha.


is it normal that the sex scenes dont have audio? or did i do something wrong myself?


It's nothing on your side, the whole game only has bits of audio here and there, I add more and more over time, it's just that other things have a higher priority imo.


Love the cuteness of it, awesome game so far!

hey men hows the update going loved the game checking each week for it xd 


Still not done, I've added more content than I had planned and one of my grafics card said also goodbye >_>

but I'm getting closer to release with every day^^


take the time loved the game its worth waiting for


Sorry to hear about your graphics card, Mine died on me a few years ago.

But quality is always worth waiting for.

(1 edit)

Hey when i have my PC on i have this site open and tab into it to refresh from time to time. :P

it would be easier to jump onto my discord server xD

I dislike having Discord on, too much spam.


Do it like every sane person (who wants to keep sanity) and mute every spam server/channel ;)


First of, lost my sanity ages ago, second, i may think about it. :P

Anyone able to tell me how to get Android download to work cause game keeps saying fail download

Just downloaded it to check what is wrong but i had no problem with it so i have no idea how to help You sorry. :s

The only time I ever get that error is when my phone is running out of storage space. If your storage is fairly full, try clearing some stuff out.

Does the new update contain anything new to the story


If You mean the one from May then i do not know but the next one will have rest of Day 8, Day 9 and part of Day 10 from what i know.

Oh ok thanks


0.5 had new content and 0.6 will have new content ;)


I really enjoy this, it may not have as many choices as i would like it to and i would like to be less of an asshole in the game (but i get why he is like that) but i really enjoy this. It is probably mostly because of Jada. She reminds me of someone i knew once, i wish i could have helped her more. I need good stuff to happen to Jada.

Eh getting nostalgic and sappy because of a ero VN hehehe.


I tried to make mc's actions as understandable as possible, but I rushed some of the early parts of the game and I'm still a bit unhappy with some of them. The update I'm currently working on will have some improvements for the early stages of the game, there will be a few more options regarding Katherine for example.

"Eh getting nostalgic and sappy because of a ero VN hehehe."
I guess I did something right xD

Oh yes You did. Honestly i do not remember last time i had so much fun playing a game and i do not mean a VN but overall. Wish it was at least pay what You want so i could thank You in a monetary fashin hehe.

It is pay what you want, you just don't have to pay anything at all ;)

(1 edit) (+2)

Sorry i guess something bugged for me, now i can pay for it, before it did not give me the option!

Edit: aaaand bought.

Question for BM_Rec after your done with this gonna make another one similiar to (this one) or it's gonna be different? I know you got already another VN besides this...Just curious????? :PPP

I'm not going to make another VN after this... well maybe a smaller quick one, but my next big project won't be a VN.


If I could invest in your work I would with no doubt!!!! You make incredible work (Seriously your VN's are amazing) If you stop you will be missed LOL ::P


Is there a lewdpatch?


why would you need a lewd patch in a lewd game? ô.O


Soonish...?(Not sarcasm just eager)


My personal goal is to release the update this month, but I have a bit real life going on, so I won't make any promises ;)


Totally understandable! Keep your spirits up during the pandemic :)


It's cool. I'm fine with knowing you didn't just drop the project. :)


also, I really like your work. It's easy to see that you put effort into making a good story.

Deleted 3 years ago

Renpy and Daz3d + blender


One of the best games I played :)..Great storyline...they have the same interesting yet deep stories like deluca family btw im not comparing them but rather they have an awesome stories plot that touch your heart...waiting for next update :) 10/10 :)

I hope many people will support your game(I cant right money hehe (○゚ε゚○))


Been a long time waiting :((


soon'ish ;)



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